Deck Layout
The Nebula Class starship is in many ways, a more cost efficient model of the larger Galaxy class. With approximatly 12 less decks, the Nebula class provides a versatile platform for performing a variety of roles. Such as defence, diplomacy and exploration.
Because of their similarties, it isn't hard to visualise the interior sections of the Nebula class, as much of it is borrowed over from the Galaxy class design.
The deck layout present above was originally created for the online RPG Star Trek: A Call to Duty. To see the original version, as well as specifications for other starships, please visit their website at
Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room, Main Bridge, Observation Lounge
Deck 2 - Junior Officer's Quarters, Environmental System Controls
Deck 3 - Junior Officer's Quarters, Upper Shuttlebay, Shuttlebay Upper Maintenance Bay
Deck 4 - Main Shuttlebay, Main Shuttlebay Maintenance Bay, Shuttlebay Operations
Deck 5 - Shuttlebay Lower Maintenance Bay, VIP Accommodations
Deck 6 - Transporter Room 1-4, Main Science Labs
Deck 7 - Senior Officer’s Quarters, Arboretum
Deck 8 - Crew Quarters, Commanding Officer Quarters, Executive Officer Quarters, VIP Quarters
Deck 9 - Senior Officer’s Quarters, Stellar Cartography (Main Entrance)
Deck 10 - Ten-Forward Lounge, Stellar Cartography (Lower Bay), Holodecks (Upper Bay)
Deck 11 - Holodecks 1-4 (Main Entrance), Holosuites, Gymnasium 1-2 (High Bay), Banquet Halls
Deck 12 - Main Sickbay, Sickbay Main Computer, Surgical Ward, Neo-natal Ward, Biohazard Ward, Critical Triage Ward, Primary ICU, Overflow ICU, Trauma Stasis Unit, Medical Sciences Ward
Deck 13 - Cargo Bays 1-2, Residential Quarters
Deck 14 - Cargo Bay 3-4, Residential Quarters
Deck 15 - Cargo Loading Doors, Armory
Deck 16 - Captain's Yacht Docking Port
Deck 17 – Crew Quarters
Deck 18 - Crew Quarters
Deck 19 – Crew Quarters
Deck 20 - Crew Quarters
Deck 21 - Holosuites
Deck 22 - Structural Integrity Field Systems, Matter Injectors
Deck 23 - Deflector Dish
Deck 24 – Main Engineering, Sensor Maintenance
Deck 25 - Science Labs
Deck 26 - Aft Torpedo Launcher, Defensive Shield Systems
Deck 27 - Environmental Support, Waste Management
Deck 28 - Cargo Bays
Deck 29 - Antimatter Supply Manifold, Antimatter Storage Pods
Deck 30 - Tractor Beam Emitter, Antimatter Generator, Antimatter Injector, Antimatter Loading Hatch, Warp Engine Core Jettison Hatch