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Confined to his quarters with a virus, the Captain is order to take it easy. In the mean time a string of malfunctions leave the crew baffled, worst still are reports of missing crewmen.

Here lies conspiracy
Long way to go
Gates of hell copy
Dominion Attack

On her maiden voyage, the new crew of the Sirius begin there journey to the Delta quadrent. However an unexpected attack by the Jem'hadar, leaves the crew fighting to survive.


While on route to their next supply pickup. The crew of the Sirius find themselves trapped in a subspace layer. Their only means of escape is through a subspace funnel thats has already begun to degrade. When Liuetenant Jorin descoveres an alien vessel approaching, unexpected system failures soon follow.

EPISODE 1.2 "Gates of Hell"

Back on route to the delta quadrant, the Sirius must deliver Federation dignitaries to a trade conference on Denapra IV. However all is not as simple as it seems. As the Ferengi government have also dispatched a vessel.

EPISODE 1.3 "Long Way to Go"

When a test flight of a new shuttle goes wrong, Thomas Jorin finds himself stranded in alien territory. Things go from bad to worse, when a hostile race claim the shuttle for their own. Can Captain Kepler come to the rescue?

EPISODE 1.4 "Private War"

Qriosity [S6] copy

EPISODE 1.5 "Q-rosity"

Investigating an unusual ion storm, computer malfuctions and an unexplained power drain soon follow. Does an unexpected visit by Q hold the answers?

new episode

Transported 85 thousand light-years by an alien entity. The crew find themselves in an unknown part of the Delta quadrant. With limited supplies, an alien race seek their help against extinction.

EPISODE 1.06 "Dark Tidings"

Trapped on a planet ravaged by choatic storms, withtwo of his team dead. Kyle must find a way to keep the rest of his team alive.

Whole Lot of Whoopee

EPISODE 1.07 "Here Lies Conspiracy"


EPISODE 1.08 "A Whole Lot Of Whoopee"

A routine training mission on the holodeck goes awry when the senior officers discover they are nolonger in control of the holodeck

Cardassian Snare

EPISODE 1.09 "Cardassian Snare"

Darkest Matter

EPISODE 1.10 "The Darkest Matter"

Investigating a blackhole, the crew discover a an alien derelict near the event horizon. Doomed to certain destruction, matters  only get worse, when lifesigns are detected. Can Captain Jorin and the crew of the Sirius sit idly back, while the aliens face death?

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