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Bolarus IX, also known as Bolarus or Bolias is located in the Bolian sector in the Alpha quadrant, it is the ninth planet in its star system.


Bolians are easily identified by their blue skin, lack of hair and a thin cartilaginous double ridge which runs vertically from the back of the head down over then nose, extending down to the chest. Their pulse can be detected by feeling along their ridge, the Bolian heart it located on their right side of the chest. Their cobalt-based blood chemistry is compatible with Andorians, but toxic to Vulcan's. In addition to their cranial ridge, Bolian's also noted for cartilaginous lining on their tongues. As result Bolians are known to appreciate highly acidic foods, aged meat is also a commonly used ingredient in Bolian cuisine.


Not known for their physical strength, their average height is comparable to that of the average Human. Some male Bolians have been known to wear toupées on occasion, females are also predominantly bald. there were however the occasional few who had hair. Romantic relations between Bolians and Humans commonly causes adverse effects to the latter, which can include fatigue, nausea, and joint inflammation.


Individuals are routinely highly outspoken, even when it is not requested. Due to their "good natured" personalities, Bolians are often accustomed to working in various service professions. Bolian barbers and waiters often seen employed aboard Federation starships.

One form of Bolian greeting, involves extending the hand similar to a Human handshake, but with the palm down and the fingers curved part way.

bolian officer




Bolians are a polygamous culture, any additional spouse are referred to as a "co-husband" or "co-wife", respectively. Their laws are also notable for supporting the practice of euthanasia. Bolian medical philosophy on euthanasia was developed during their Middle Ages known as the "double effect" principle. This form of assisted suicide stated that "an action that has the principal effect of relieving suffering may be ethically justified even though the same action has the secondary effect of possibly causing death. Bolians are prominent figures in the economy of the Alpha Quadrant, the Bank of Bolias in particular is a prominent financial institute. There is also a widely appreciated musical genre known as Bolian Blues.



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