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While some Trill continue friendships across their hosts, it is against Trill law for the joined hosts to continue romantic relationships with individuals whom their symbionts were romantically involved with in the past. As the main purpose for transferring symbiots is to have new experiences. Trill who are found guilty of reassociation are expelled from Trill society, resulting in their symboits dying with their current host.

The trill are a respected member of the Federation, with interactions dating back to the mid 2200s, however their true nature wasn’t widely known until the 2360s.




When first joined, the memories of the symbiont can overwhelm the host briefly   However, this is usually kept under control.   Other species, such as humans, can serve as temporary hosts for Trill Symbionts, but this provides a high level of risk to both.   If a symbiont is removed from a host, then the host will die shortly afterward unless the original symbiont is returned.   A joined trill may converse with their past host through the use of the Zhian’tara ritual.   Each past personality is hosted in the body of the current host’s friends.   Further, the right of emergence can bring a specific past host to the fore, in which the current host experiences them as an apparition.  




The Trill are a joined species, and members of the Federation.  The race has a symbiotic relationship with the worm like Symbiont creatures that also reside on their home planet. Once joined hosts have access to the Symbionts memories and those of all its past past hosts, which in sum instances could span hundreds of years. When the host is near death, the symbiont is transferred to a new host to begin the process again.  There is a scarcity of Symbionts compared to the larger humanoid populatiion, which is why the Trill Symbiosis commission promote the myth that only one in a thousand Trill can become a host. When in fact, at least half the population is capable of being a host. To avoid Symbiots becoming objects to fight over, the commission maintains that only the best and brightest Trills can be hosts.







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